/surveys | GET | List user surveys. |
/survey/{id} | GET | Get details of the survey. |
/survey/{id}/answerCount | GET | Get the amount of answers in the survey. (OLD ENDPOINT) |
/survey/{id}/answer/count | GET | Get the amount of answers in the survey |
/survey/{id}/elements | GET | List survey elements. |
/survey/{id}/merges | GET | List merged surveys. |
/survey/{id}/languages | GET | List survey languages. |
/survey/{id}/preview | GET | Get survey preview image |
/survey/{id}/answers | GET | List survey answers. |
/survey/{id}/answer | PUT | Create a new answer to the survey. |
/survey/{id}/answer/external | PUT | Create an external answer to the survey. |
/survey/{id}/answer/email | PUT | Add an email answer to to survey. |
/survey/{id}/answer/email/invite | PUT | Send an email invitation to the survey. |
/survey/{id}/answer/email/invite/batch | PUT | Send batch of email invitations to the survey. |
/survey/{id}/answer/sms/invite | PUT | Send an SMS invitation to the survey. |
/survey/{id}/answer/sms/invite/batch | PUT | Send batch of SMS invitations to the survey. |
/survey/{id}/emailtask | PUT | Create a new email task to the survey |
/emailtask/{id}/answers | PUT | Link survey answer to the email task. |
/emailtask/{id}/activate | POST | Activate the email task. |
/emailtask/{id}/templates | PUT | Create an email task template. |
/answer/{id} | GET | Get details of the answer. |
/answer/{id}/data | GET | Get actual content for the answer. |
/answer/{id}/data | PUT | Create content for the answer. |
/answer/{id}/meta | PUT | Add meta information to answer. |
/answer/{id}/sendReminder | POST | Send a reminder email to the email address who gave the answer. |
/answer/{id}/state | POST | Change the state of the answer. |
/answer/{id}/element/{element} | PUT | Create an answer for the survey element. |
/answer/{id}/element/{element}/index | PUT | Create an answer for the survey element with options. |
/shorturl | GET | List all user short urls. |
/shorturl | PUT | Create a new short url. |
/shorturl/{id} | GET | Get details of the short url. |
/shorturl/{id} | POST | Update the short url. |
/shorturl/{id} | DELETE | Delete the short url. |